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Three Kings Operation - Puerto Rico

Newark, NJ - The National Coalition of Latino Officers (NCLO) in cooperation and partnership with Southwest Airlines, Fort Lee Policemen's Benevolent Association (Local 245), the Fort Lee Police Department, Union Township Police Department, the Hispanic Officers Law Enforcement Association (HOLEA), and the Spanish American Law Enforcement Association (SALEA) both member organizations of the NCLO, embarked on a mission to bring toys to children in Hurricane ravaged areas in Puerto Rico.

The Fort Lee Police Benevolent Association and Union Township Police Departments conducted toy drives and started a transportation chain down the New Jersey State Turnpike beginning in Fort Lee with 27 boxes filled with toys collected.


Fort Lee Police Officers packed toys transporting them to Union Township, New Jersey. Fort Lee officers, along with Union Township Officers then loaded a Union Township Police Truck with toys collected from both jurisdictions over to Baltimore, Maryland where they teamed up with members from HOLEA for ultimate transport to Puerto Rico.

The NCLO team headed to Puerto Rico on flights donated through the generosity of Southwest Airlines. The airlines not only provided the flights, but also transported the cargo, which at this point surpassed 40 boxes of toys.

On January 4, 2018 NCLO members joined together from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland at Baltimore Washington Airport boarding a Southwest flight to San Juan Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico State Police awaited NCLO's arrival in PR and aided in the transportation of the toys to various locations throughout the island.

Throughout the week, members traversed to numerous towns and villages observing the resilience of the people to overcome the devastation caused by the storm. Hundreds of children were served.

Antonio Hernandez, National President said "I am extremely grateful, proud and humble to have been a part of group of great men, who came together in a short period of time to bring some happiness to children at a time when they faced a horrible tragedies in their lives. I thank them all for the volunteerism." He went on to say " I thank all of our partners and our efforts in Puerto Rico are not over and this is only the beginning."

Platinum Sponsor: Southwest Airlines

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