Welcome Brother and Sister Officers:
As the President of the newly formed National Coalition of Latino Officers, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and let you all know who we are and what we stand for. The coalition was founded in 2012 to address the concerns of the many Latino Law Enforcement Organizations and Officers throughout the nation. We believe together we can have a strong organization with a decisive and united voice.
Each of the founding members has an extensive background in law enforcement and have all been executive board members of other Latino organizations. We listened to our brothers’ and sisters’ issues and concerns and have decided to tackle these issues head-on. Through their experiences, the founding members realized that other national organizations had not fully fulfilled the expectations of our brothers and sisters. From this the NCLO was born.
What makes us unique is we are not your local Latino Law Enforcement organization. Our goal is to bring local Latino law enforcement organizations together to form a Coalition. These local organizations continue doing the great work they have always been successful for. The NCLO supports these local organizations accomplish their missions locally, by providing them with technical assistance, education, training and career development opportunities. Most importantly, it unites these local organizations in a network of unity that enables the Coalition to have ONE strong voice.
Latino Law Enforcement organizations have many issues in common and share mutual interest. There is an absolute need for these local organizations to have a way to advocate for issues they hold dear. We have to have a voice to address concerns that will have a long lasting effect on us as police officers and as Latinos. This is why the NCLO fosters unity and cooperation. The vision of the Coalition is to have these local organizations stand together as one. The NCLO motto is “Pari Passu Dicimus”; Pari Passu a Latin phrase which literally means "with an equal step" or "on equal footing" and ducimus, also Latin meaning "we lead",
The Coalition’s goal is to work with the community and all levels of government to bring fairness and equality to the hiring and promotional practices; to provide adequate and valuable training and education to our members in furtherance of their careers; to be an advocate for our member organizations at the state and national level; and to assist member organizations in community outreach programs. This, in our opinion, will assist in bridging the gap between Law Enforcement and our communities.
With an equal step and on equal footing, “Pari Passu Dicimus”, we will lead The Coalition to greatness. Come join us!
Antonio Hernandez